Thursday, September 11, 2008

You Can Put Lipstick on a Pitbull, But it's Still a Pitbull

I want to be Bi-Partisan. I really do!! But Republicans are making it just so hard. Sure Obama is using this whole lipstick non-sense to scold the McCain campaign and score political points, but at the same time Obama is right to scold them. It's just idiotic! Anybody who does just a little bit of research knows that Obama was not calling Palin a pig. It's a figure of speech John McCain has used numerous times. Even Bill O'Reilly has got Obama's back on this! But, who knows, after that interview, maybe he's now smitten with Barry as well.

Anyways, Obama is calling this Swiftboat politics. How ironic Palin supporter, Massachusetts Governor Jane Swift had this to say: "She is the only one of the four candidates for president, or the only vice presidential candidate who wears lipstick."

Shameless. Thank God, they're taking a break for 9-11.



Heath Countryman said...

Ya, I was pretty mad at McCain's ad that said "Obama on Palin:" and then played the clip out of context. It was pathetic.

But then again, Obama was dumb enough to try to explain it by saying, "Palin is the lipstick, the policies of McCain are the pig." He should have just stuck to the "It's just a cliche" explaination...

Still, Obama is pretty new at national politics and McCain is gonna pounce at evey chance. Politics is a contact sport.

Anonymous said...

lol, he said that? ya, that is pretty dumb.