Monday, September 8, 2008

Bias and Propaganda: MSNBC and Olbermann Do the Right Thing

While I love Harball, and I think that Chris Matthews-- despite it being obvious he supports the Democrats-- runs a fair show where issues are debated in a balanced and civilized way, I completely agree with MSNBC's decision to remove Matthews and Keith Olbermann from the election coverage. Olbermann, of course, is the liberal version of O'Reilly. And although I think he's much more articulate and intelligent than Bill, because he is so blatantly one-sided, I have hardly ever watched Countdown. Having those two cover the election would be like having O'Reilly and Sean Hannity cover the election on Fox News. There would be absolutely no objectivity. So MSNBC is right to remove them and put in Gregory.

That said, I think that the 9-11 video in question that Olbermann apologized for was exploitative and pure propaganda. What it did was to, once again, conjure up these primal, visceral emotions; emotions that one should never act, nor make decisions upon. It also, once again, painted America as the holy, sacred beacon of freedom, and the terrorists as the enemy of that freedom. These raw emotions that are elicited from the graphic footage from 9-11 that the video portrayed, coupled with manichean language, is a dangerous concoction that neoconservatives use time and time again to rally people in support of their militaristic and imperial foreign policy. We do not need more leaders who say "bring 'em on" in response to attacks on America. We cannot have another Yosemite Sam occupying the White house. That prospect scares me more than the possibility of another attack.

Olbermann was right to apologize, but he should have waited to do it on his own show.


Heath Countryman said...

Anytime I see someone use the term "neoconservatives" in an argument it makes me question their intellegence. I guess I will make an exception in your case...

But then again...


Anonymous said...

there are a lot of other terms i would have liked to use, but were out of the bounds of tasteful discourse.

but that's ok, i question your intelligence every time you repeat some republican smear you read at townhall.

Heath Countryman said...

never been to townhall. I was just raised right. :)

Heath Countryman said...

surprised you didn't catch my joke, or maybe it just wasn't funny...

play on words.

I was just raised "right"... could be saying raised as "conservative," or raised "correctly."

ah, maybe it just wasn't funny enough to respond to...

Anonymous said...

oh no heath... it was.... uh.... hilarious... yeah... :)

but seriously, by that definition, i was raised "right" also.

Heath Countryman said...

so then where did you go "left"... ur... I mean "wrong?"