Thursday, October 8, 2009

Holy Crap!

The ground doesn't feel too cold, but it seems that hell may have frozen over, because Sean Hannity and Michael Moore recently debated on Sean's show and it was.... a really good discussion. If this sort of exchange was the norm for these type of shows this country might just be in better shape. I'm just stunned. And I also couldn't agree more with Moore on this. The borrowers, the average joe's, are to blame for the whole economic collapse?? Really? And the people who have all the wealth, power and smarts in this are only partially responsible? Anyways I found this to be a good, reasoned but passionate discussion, and wish there were more of this on cable news.


Heath Countryman said...

Hmmm... two complete idiots debating. I can't think of a better way to waste an hour of my life.

chris o said...

i swear sometimes you just disagree with me to disagree.

but anyways, that's the thing. despite being who they are, somehow they actually have a good, civil discussion. and it's not an hour, more like six minutes.

Heath Countryman said...

Well, I wouldn't waste an hour watching Hannity... and adding chubbs to the mix certainly doesn't improve the bill.