Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The RNC Thus Far

So I got to listen to Senator Lieberman's speech last night. In '04 I longed for a McCain-Lieberman ticket, so it was kind of surreal watching him give a speech at the RNC. There were so many times in his speech that just seemed so awkward. Like the time he brought up McCain courageously reaching across the isle for campaign finance reform... Uh, didn't like 99.9% of Republicans despise him for that? But, I guess that would go for every time he talked about McCain "reaching across the isle." They hate him for that! There was talk of him being Kerry's running mate just four years ago, and unfortunately I was listening to it on the radio so I couldn't see the audience reaction. But I got some laughs, even though McCains's centrism and willingness to work with the other side is what I use to love about him.

I read an article tonight about Guiliani's speech, which just seemed to be a bunch of fear-mongering, and just now I suffered through my first Sarah Palin speech. I say suffered in all seriousness because I struggled to keep my dinner down as she went on and on about her down-home, folksy, leave-it to beaver, little house on the frozen prairie, life wrestling grizzly bears and exploiting her perfect, beautiful son with Downs Syndrome. Oh... do I sound a little angry and negative? Sorry, I'm just still in the moment I guess. How could one not be after listening to childish attack after childish attack? I heard some people thought Obama's speech was negative; I guess McCain's found his attack dog. And you gotta love how she trashed community organizers; apparently they don't have any responsibilities. Like I said, childish...

And I guess Mike -Fox Noise Channel- Huckabee spoke about how the media is being unfair to Republicans..... I'm just gonna stop now... I'm hoping the best for McCain's speech.


Heath Countryman said...


So funny how opposite we are... Guess thats just the contry we live in.


Heath Countryman said...

country even... sheesh, you would think I would spell the word country right... after all, it is part of my last name!

Anonymous said...

wow, you're quick. i was still editing.

Heath Countryman said...

well, after I posted, I thought, "I wonder how torqued off Chris is right now?" so I jumped over to your blog... Just lucky timing I guess...

Joe Martino said...

There's something wrong with RSS feed