Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ding Dong...

It's over, but she isn't going away. Everyone is saying that it's impossible she can win short of intervention by the democratic party, so why is she staying in? I personally think she's trying to hurt Obama so she can run in '12. It's funny watching Hannity and Colme's because, as of now, they are both Hillary suporters. Both of them were arguing with Clinton arch-nemesis and all-around slimebag Dick Morris.

I think that Obama simply needs to ignore the crazy lady and go after McCain like she isn't even there. Like I said, everyone knows it's over, and her staying in it makes her look out of touch, not only with the country, but with reality.


Heath Countryman said...

Personally, I am enjoying it immensely. I hope she takes her fight to the convention floor!

And to answer your querstion, she is staying in because the Clinton's think that since they beat the impeachment they can do anything. They are getting the lesson in humility they failed to learn in 1996.

Anonymous said...

oh, i'm sure you are :).

and i also agree with you about thinking she can do any anything, and i would also add the belief that she is entitled to the nomination.

how's your tips-driven decision on who to vote for coming along?

Heath Countryman said...

Actually, my wife vetoed the idea... she said if I was going to do that, then she would order a pizza at a time when she knew I would be the one to deliver it and give me a $1000 tip, thus ensuring that I would vote the way she wanted me to.

And we just can't have our wives telling us what to do! :-)