Thursday, February 28, 2008

Like People are Actually Offended...

The other day at work my manager and another employee were discussing the 3 hour free coffee promotion at Biggby's. During the discussion my manager noted that he thinks the name change from Beaner's to Biggby's is kind of dumb and he doubts anyone was really offended. I, so badly, wanted to ask the Mexican cleaning guy Miguel, who was standing in the same room as us if he agreed, but I figured that wouldn't be very wise. I've heard other people express these same ideas, but, apparently, according to the news story I linked to people did take notice. In fact, a couple friends who moved to Michigan a year ago were shocked that the name of a popular coffee chain was a derogatory term for Hispanic Americans.

My question is why do we caucasians have such crappy attitudes when other people feel offended by something? Shouldn't we respect other culture's feelings on such matters? Who are we to judge what other people are offended at? I understand that some groups take things too far, but I really don't believe this is one of those instances. Don't get me wrong I liked the name "Beaner's" very much, and I'll probably continue to call it that. The name Biggby-- don't ask me why, it's probably something from my childhood-- make's me think of a large, dumb cartoon dog Maybe they should have compromised and changed their logo to a large coffee bean to drive the meaning home.

But, in the end, shouldn't we consider this progress? Not that long ago in the 50's the government actually had a deportation program called, "Operation Wetback." We thought nothing about throwing around racially disparaging remarks. I'm not saying we should be politically correct, but historically we (caucasians) have done a lot of evil to other people in this country, and the least we can do is respect a racially oppressed people's right to be offended.


Heath Countryman said...

cracker, please! :)

First, no one can offend me. Being offended is a choice I make. Likewise, I cannot offend another. They chose to be offended or not be offended. That is not to say I cannot be rude or insensitive. But a person cannot prevent another person from being offended if the other person chooses to be, no matter how upright our actions. I once offended someone when they asked me what my profession was. I simply said, "a pastor" and they told me that "offended them."

Also, there are no ethnic groups in this country that are "oppressed." (opress: verb, to subjugate or persecute by unjust or tyrannical use of force or authority). There may be individuals of one race who discriminate against another race, but to charachterize that as oppressive is an overstatement.

In response to the coffee place, I think the changing of the name is a good move, especially from a business standpoint. But unless their logo was a Mexican picking a coffee bean, I have to say that choosing to be offended at the name, especially since it is pretty clear that "beaner's" is referring to a coffee bean and not a specific ethnicity, is a pretty far stretch.

Anonymous said...

"But unless their logo was a Mexican picking a coffee bean, I have to say that choosing to be offended at the name, especially since it is pretty clear that "beaner's" is referring to a coffee bean and not a specific ethnicity, is a pretty far stretch."

this is what i'm talking about. just because it's obvious to you doesn't mean it's obvious to other cultures or people who aren't familiar with coffee houses. and even so, it could be offensive that, in a country that is trying to overcome a racist past, that someone would use such an insensitive name. the point is, is you, being part of the dominant culture, do not have the heightened sensitivity that minorities do on such matters. so maybe there are times where we need to just bite our lip and give them the benefit of the doubt.

fine, oppressive was an overstatement, i wrote this in 5 minutes, give me a break.

as far as the choosing to be offended goes, i know there have been times where i, personally, have felt offended at something, but i didn't know why. but that's just my experience, it doesn't mean it applies to everyone.

how's the job search coming?

Heath Countryman said...

Well, as a white guy I think I do have a heightened sensitivity to what can and cannot be said. White people live with the proverbial "appology podium," where everything we say is scritinized and if someone thinks we are being insesitive, we have to jump behind the podium and appologize for our remarks. White people cannot even use Barack H. Obama's middle name without being accused of racism. So I think I am plenty sensitive as to what I am and am not allowed to say in society.

I am posting my February job search update today on my blog. Thanks for asking.

Anonymous said...

oh wow, don't tell you you defend the guy who used baracks middle name repeatedly at the john maccain rally?? i almost posted on that to, but i didn't have enough time. that has nothing to do with racism, that has to do with fear-mongering and dirty politics and you know it. that has to do with perpetuating the, "obama the muslim" lie, and freaking some pretty ignornant--NOT STUPID-- but ignorant people out.

Heath Countryman said...

Well, I know Barack is a Christian (and I have BIG problems with the church he chooses to associate with). But honestly, are we not even allowed to ask questions about the personal history of the man who WILL BE our next president? Is it wrong to want to know about his parents and how he came to have that name?

And let me understand this... Do you feel that to say his full name in public is fear mongering?

Heath Countryman said...

Just Obama's congregation. I view their mission statement to be entirely racist.

ROFL about the george hitler bush comment. Do you think you actually made a good point there? The diffrence is, Democrats actually DO call Bush "Hitler", and it is not his name, whereas Republicans are chastised when we call Obama by his ACTUAL middle. Very interesting where Democrats stand on this--Compare Bush to Hitler and it is just politics. Use Osama's full name and you are "fear-mongering." hahaha!

BTW, if Democrats actually feel Hussain was a tyrant, why do they now oppose the war?

Also, Obama should be proud of his middle name, seeing how it means "Blessed One," which is how he is certainly portrayed in the media.

Anonymous said...

the george hitler bush analogy was completely legit and everything you said in response to it is irrelevant. i don't give a crap about what democrats say. i'm not a democrat, if you have a beef with them, then go to a democratic blog. "ROFL" isn't an argument and you never answered my question as to what the response from the right would be.

in fact nothing you said had anything to do with my comment. it was nothing but illogical partisan banter.

Joe Martino said...

I think I enjoy watching you guys go back and forth more than T.V. Now, I'm off to organize a class action lawsuit against Cracker Barrel. I am offended.

Heath Countryman said...

ok Chris, first of all, I am just arguing for fun, so I hope that you are not getting upset with me...

Now, your last post you said, "i don't give a crap about what democrats say. i'm not a democrat, if you have a beef with them, then go to a democratic blog."

I don't know why you think I keep calling you a Democrat. Reread my post. I talked about what democrats say because YOU brought it up. You said, if "democrats kept calling him george hitler bush rather than just george bush like everyone else calls him, what do you think the response from the right would be?" I was merely pointing out that they do call him Hitler.

Besides, I kind of like Osama's (oops... I mean Obama's) middle name. It's very "presidential."

Now common, we gotta be able to laugh a little about this and not be so uptight. After all, Obamma's mamma was OK with the name.

Heath Countryman said...

JOE! That was awesome!

Anonymous said...

sorry, i wasn't trying to be uptight. i just felt like you pretty much said that my comment was stupid, but then gave no argument back. i just didn't know how to take it.

you're kinda late with the cracker barrel comment joe :). we've obviously moved on to other topics.