Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Evangelicals on Mitt Romney

This story is a little old, but still represents some of the current evangelical feelings on Romney.

I'm not a big fan of Mitt Romney, but this just makes me crazy. Romney was in Iowa where he spoke in front of some conservative, evangelical Christians. Heres a couple quotes from NPR: "Mary Doren, a stay-at-home mom, said Romney's Mormon faith was a deal breaker. "I'm a Christian," Doren said. "I don't think a Mormon is a Christian."' "Suzanne Clackey, who home schools her children, echoed similar theological concerns. "My understanding is they don't believe in the triune God, and so that would bother me," she said."

Seriously, what does believing in trinitarianism have to do with running the United States??? Based on this logic, and considering the current administration, one of the next presidential nominees better be wiccan or an atheist or I'm not voting.

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